Fib’ers is a Christ-centered, interdenominational fishing club. Prior to being established as its own California domiciled 501(c)(7) non-profit organization in 2019, Fib’ers was an outreach ministry of Newport Mesa Church (NMC) for 35 years. Our objective is to create a comfortable, fun, and relaxed environment in which Christian fishermen, their families and their guests may fish and enjoy Christian fellowship. We encourage family participation in all our activities and welcome single men and women to our club. Our yearly activities include saltwater charter boat fishing, private boaters tournaments, lake and river trout fishing trips and bay tournaments. We also take disadvantaged kids from Orange County out fishing or whale watching every year. To pass on our love of sports fishing to our children, we have created a “Fib’ers Junior Division” that has its own tournaments, charter fishing trips, and yearly awards.
FIB’ers is unique in that there is no formal membership. There are also no initial fees or yearly dues. All club expenses are paid from free-will donations.
Monthly Meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM
The FIB’ers Christian Fishing Club hold monthly meetings in the meeting room of Lighthouse Community Church in Costa Mesa, CA. Monthly meetings are on the third Thursday of the month, and start at 6:30. No meetings are held during the months of November, January, and February.
Lighthouse Community Church, 301 Magnolia Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92627

FIB’ers is unique in that there is no formal membership. There are also no initial fees or yearly dues. All expenses are paid from free-will donations.
Important Note: When making any of your charter payments, please designate which trip you are making payment for in the comments section