FIB’ers is a Christ-centered, inter-denominational fishing club. Our objective is to create a comfortable, fun, and relaxed environment in which Christian fishermen and their guests may fish and enjoy Christian fellowship. We expect all members and guests to behave in a Christ-like manner in all of our activities. Excessive drinking of alcohol, offensive language and disrespectful or rude behavior will not be tolerated and that person or persons may be asked not to participate in future club activities. FIB’ers, in principle, supports the general marine conservation efforts of United Anglers of Southern California.
Fib’ers is a California domiciled 501(c)(7) non-profit organization. Fib’ers is a self-supported club, financed solely by the free will donations of its membership. A Board of Directors consisting of three to six members acts as the club’s governing body. Each Board member is a committed Christian chosen by the other existing Board members. The Board of Directors is responsible to the Club’s membership for scheduling fishing activities throughout the year, maintaining a current website, hosting monthly Club meetings, as well as all other activities. The Board of Directors is also responsible for enforcing Club policies, as necessary. Monthly meetings are currently held in the meeting room of Lighthouse Community Church in Costa Mesa, CA. Monthly meetings are on the third Thursday of the month, and start at 6:30. No meetings are held during the months of November, January, and February.
FIB’ers is unique in that there is no formal membership. There are also no initial fees or yearly dues. All club expenses are met by donation only. A person may be added to our membership list with the hope that he or she will participate in club activities. In order to remain on the membership list a person must participate in at least one activity a year (monthly meetings included). If at the end of one year there has been no participation, the person will be deleted from the club’s membership list, unless he communicates to us that he wishes to remain on the list, even though he is unable to participate.
FIB’ers will strictly follow the California State fishing regulations, including fish limits. Club members and their guests are responsible for obeying all sportfishing regulations while fishing in American waters and/or Mexican waters. It is expected of all fishermen to pay close attention to size limits, as well as fish limits and keep only those fish that they will use. Sportfishing, campouts, etc. are a business and they must be treated as such. In order to secure boats, dates, etc., the club must pay deposits months ahead of each event. Recognizing the expense involved in recreational sportfishing, the club’s Coordinating committee has compiled the following sign-up rules.
Payment Policies: A deposit of one-half the cost of the charter is required to reserve your spot. The balance is due 30 days prior to the trip. All activities costing $100.00 or less must be paid in full at the time reservations are made.
Cancellations and Refunds: Cancellations must be made at least 30 days prior to the trip in order to receive a full refund. If a cancellation is made less than 30 days prior to the trip a refund will be issued only if a fully paid replacement is secured. If a replacement is not found your deposit will be forfeited. In order to protect the club from losses, trips will be offered to “non-members” if they are not filled 30 days prior to departure. Written invoices may be mailed to confirm reservations, deposits and balances due. We reserve the right to overbook any event by one spot.
Additional Guests: To insure that all club members have a fair chance to sign-up, a FIB’er may not bring more than two guests on any trip. Any additional guests will be placed on a waiting list until 30 days prior to the trip, at which time, providing there is available space, they can be added to the trip. Since we are a family oriented club, immediate family members are not considered guests. Ladies are encouraged to participate in all of our activities. Members are responsible for the behavior of their guests.
Children: Because of safety and consideration for others, children must be at least 10 years of age to go on any of our chartered fishing trips. This rule does not apply to Fiber Junior Trips, campouts, surf fishing or bay tournaments. Parents or guardians are responsible for the behavior of their children at all FIB’ers activities.
Trip Information: It is the responsibility of the club member to be aware of all information pertaining to an event in which he is participating. The best way to get this information is at www.fibersfishingclub.org. If you have signed-up to go on an event, call or e-mail the charter master.
Trip Destinations: Every effort will be made to maintain the destination advertised, however if for any reason this becomes unfeasible, unreasonable or unsafe, a secondary destination will be chosen. Club leaders on board will discuss the options with the boat captain and make a decision based on his professional input and the overall welfare of those on board. If no clear cut decision is made a vote will be taken from the passengers and the majority vote will determine the destination.
Charter Master: The charter master of club-sponsored fishing trips will usually be a member of the coordinating committee and will go for free. He will act as the club liaison to the boat captain and will maintain an atmosphere consistent with the club objectives as stated above. He will also keep a log of the trip, including fish caught, weights and passengers comments. He will also lead the group in prayer.
Returned checks: Bank charges to the FIB’ers account because of insufficient funds are the responsibility of the writer.
Videos: No “R” rated videos are to be played during any FIB’ers trip. Please select videos that are not offensive and can be enjoyed by everyone on board.
Alcohol: Excessive drinking of alcohol will not be tolerated and that person or persons may be asked not to participate in future club activities.