We left Dana Harbor on the Sum Fun at noon on Friday, July 19. The weather was sunny and a light breeze was blowing; wonderful day to be on the water. We headed north towards Laguna Beach. Aboard were 24 excited fisherman among the group were grandmas and grandpa with grandchildren, moms and dads with children and few young adults who were learning how to fish. A great group to fish with! They all had fun and caught plenty of of fish-some even of legal size. The calico bass were ready to bite but not easy to hook. We were able to hook some hungry barracuda, but they were under sized just like many of the bass. The fish cooperated and provided lots of fun and a learning opportunity for our young anglers. Unfortunately none of the fish caught were of the size that needed to be weighed for our Junior records.
Our fisherman consumed many delicious hamburgers as prepared by the cook on board, plus chips and soft drinks. The Sum Fun’s crew were very helpful in assisting and teaching our young fisherman, as were the Fibers faithful of Rob, Charlie, Paula, and Junior provided great assistance to our young anglers as well.
Again, we want to thank “Captain Rolo’s Kids” for their financial support. Looking forward to next year when more Junior Fishing trips will be provided.
Charter Master Ken